Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ms. Chong Ali Moua

Chong Ali Moua:
A rare being indeed. I've known her since about the second or third grade and we have shared many special moments. She was there for me when I had my point and shoot, when I was spending tons and tons of $$ buying and developing film, and even through the hardest seperation of As adults (we like to believe that we are), we get caught up in life, but make the effort to keep in touch. If you want to know what a true friend is then you would want to know Chong.

At her most recent trip home (Feb) she came and spent a day with me. We had planned on a shoot but wanted to keep it light, fun and casual. I spent about 45 minutes doing her make-up and about another 45 minutes doing her hair. While I was doing all that we were watching the movie "Persuasion" an adaptation of Jane Austen's novel. After some gushing and aaahhing of the romance that may or may not exist in today's world, we finally started shooting.

This portrait is one of my favorites because it's simple but strong. Althought there are bold shapes and high contrast of tone, it doesn't take away from her face. We used to joke about how her eyes close when she laughs, but they are truly the center of attention in this portrait. It draws you right in.

I told her that her face is so expressive (and it IS) and that's why I love to shoot her. Her face shows confidence, maturity, strength and yet it's elegant and soft. We had a conversation about this and she said that perhaps I see that in her portraits because I know her personally. I understand her understandings and project this intimate connection onto the image that I capture. If you can sense her personality, characteristics, and uniqueness then perhaps I'm doing something right.


CM said...

I think your new blog is a great idea! Truthfully, I can only count myself as lucky to have girlfriends like you who keep me insanely sane through all of my rational, irrational, and erratic moments with your honesty and humor. And I always appreciated how you always express so much with so little words. And your genius and talent has allowed me to appreciate myself more fully. Sometimes I wish I could see all that you see behind the lens. But more so, I'm thankful for all that you do see and express.

Anonymous said...

Anal slut Chong Moua right?

Anonymous said...

Big tit Chong Moua that begs for hard cock, right?

Anonymous said...

She's my cousin and I still wanna fuck her asshole!

Anonymous said...

Huge tit slut who is a professor. Lucky students that get to see those tits daily.